For those of you who have lived in the country, this isn't news. For you who have dreamed of living in the country, take note. I'm not saying its bad, or weird, or harder, or scary (though there are times); its just different.
For some reason, living out here, only 8 miles from town, I've begun to act and think differently. I find that I spend far too much time in reflection; thinking, deeply, about life and its nuances and how it has affected me. Its a simple thing really, or should be, to move to the country. I think I mean to 'live' in the country. Different, but better.
Better by far. I like spending time during a rain storm reflecting on how I came to be here, why I'm here, what needs to be done, and deeper ideas like 'today is all I have right now, best to make sure this day is a great one,' and 'if not for a man who left Ireland, and settled in Kansas, then the son of the son of the son of that man would not exist and we would not be here.'
See what I mean? Deep thoughts. Thankfully I don't have those all the time. Some times I'm just working, hard, at making sure things are ready when my contractor gives the word. I have no intention of having this project fall behind schedule because of my not being able to make a decision. So I also spend time, usually in the heat of the day, or during a rain storm (which we've had two major ones today) thinking, planning, choosing, looking at magazines, cutting out photos, writing, and generally making a plan to hand said contractor all my ideas, with materials, as soon as he ask for them. My plan is to say, "here are my plans, ideas, the materials to use, where I want things, how I want them to look and function; make it happen and stay under budget."
I think about alot since I've moved out here.
I think about the way I'm living, basic and rudimentary, and how it might seem unneccesary and rustic to some people, and comfortable and fortunate to others. I haven't really given up anything to live in the Tin Cottage for a couple of months. I'm living well. And, I've chosen to live this way. Well, I didn't choose to not have plumbing, but other than that, all is well. I eat well, have plenty to keep me busy, I have transportation, family nearby, money in the bank, I'm cool when its hot outside, dry when it rains... what else could I possibly need? Life is good. I think about the people who haven't chose to live without all those things. I say a prayer of thanks to the universe every day for all that I have.
I have.... a camping toilet now. I feel like a rich woman when I sit down to go potty. Its a luxury I hadn't planned on, but grateful to my mother-in-law for the gift. No one at her place was using it, so, it came to me. I'm learning that when you ask the universe for what you need, and you put it out there to people, you tend to get what you ask for. It might not be exactly what you were asking for, but you will be blessed.
I asked for a place to stay so I could be nearby while the house is being renovated. Check.
I asked for plumbing.
half a check. I have water nearby and a heat source. Close enough.
I asked for a toilet.
Big check!
I asked for some rain to cool us off.
Check again.
I asked for friends and family and time spent with them.
Check, check, check.
As I mentioned in the beginning, life in the country is different. A storm swelled up out of nowhere today and blew in a hard rain, strong winds, and hail. I was feeling anxious, then it passed and went on its way. I then spent some time trying to clean an antique stove I'm planning on using in the farmhouse. It looks good, so far. Then I rode my bike across the road and took a shower at my mom-in-laws. When I came out, the air outside had cooled and the clouds were hanging around. It was glorious.
As I rode my bike back to the Cottage, I was overwhelmed with my fortunes. With the cool air, the breeze at my back, my faithful dog running behind trying to keep up, my dry and lovely cottage that was loaned to me. I looked out over the green fields thinking I must be in the french or Irish countryside. How can it be that me, a spit of a little girl from the south, could be blessed with all this?
Its funny that I say 'all' this. Some people might think I have nothing right now. But I beg to differ. Its all perspective. I am sitting here, late at night, or early in the morning really, drinking good vodka from a pink china cup, eating chocolate-zucchini bread, listening to the rain on the roof, thinking about today, and looking at crystal chandeliers that I'd like to buy. Yes, crystal chandeliers.
Just because you live a simple, bare life doesn't mean you have to give up the bling.
Like I said, its different.
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